Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reflection on Principles of Communication/Teamwork on programming and problem-solving projects

In the blink of an eye, I am now approaching the end of my second semester in NUS, concluding my first year as a NUS student. Looking back and picturing myself at the start of this semester, i realized that in these 3 short months, i have learnt many lessons that would prove to be invaluable in the near future.

When I was first introduced to CG1413, I did not know what to expect and frankly, I was rather skeptical about how the syllabus was going to be like. There were no tedious mathematical calculations, no complicated formulae to memorize and definitely no confusing programming work. Unlike the other modules where hard skills are constantly drilled into students, CG1413 focuses on imparting soft skills to students that are just as equally important. After attending 3 months of CG1413, I can now better understand the importance of communication and teamwork, and how to go about doing a good job at it.

In this semester alone, I was allocated to a total of 3 pre-assigned groups, which meant that I was required to work together as a team with 12 other new acquaintances. Hence I felt that attending a module that teaches effective team communication this semester is very apt.

In my previous experiences, I never thought that I had any issues working in a team and communicating with other people. Only after attending this module, did I realize that communicating effectively and maximizing a team’s potential is not as simple as it seems.

In my CG1102 project group, I was grouped with Duy, a Vietnamese and Shiyan, and Chinese. Coming from different cultural backgrounds, we were all unsure of where to begin, not knowing if what we said would offend the others. However, following the advice of the first few lessons in CG1413, we took the initiative to ask, and know more about each other. This simple act allowed us to warm up to each other much more quickly, as compared to simply being passive. I feel that a strength of mine would be that I am willing to take the initiative to go up to people and know them better. This is especially important when the other group mates are more reserved. On the other side, one thing that I failed to do well enough is to listen. Being the leader of the group, I was rather authoritative when expressing ideas at times, and perhaps failed to place other group mate’s opinions into consideration. Knowing this weakness of mine, I would definitely try to improve on it and not commit the same mistake in future.

As for my CG1413 problem-solving project group, I was actually rather disappointed with the fact that some group members were not putting in as much effort as the others. Situations like group members engaging in other activities during presentations, and seemingly uninterested with the Q&A sessions made me feel like the effort the rest put in was not worth it. However, looking back now, it was just a matter of different working styles, and knowing how to accept some one else’s working style that is different from your own is a critical factor for success in any team.

Working in teams, I feel that my best strength is also my greatest weakness when not utilized appropriately. Being very vocal, I am often the one suggesting ideas, or how to go about dealing with certain problems. However, there are times when I tend to come across as overbearing. Hence in future, I must be sure to keep myself in check, and constantly remind myself not to cross the line.

To end off, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Brenda and all my group mates from the various groups. Thank you all for your guidance and patience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Andy,
    I still remember the very first time I saw you, you were a very big man haha. However, you are as not fierce as I thought =)), (sorry for this). You are a kind man, and I think your listening is good. That helped me a lot when I could not explain my idea correctly ;).

    Besides, I think you should balance your soft skills and hard skills, your soft skills, to me, are almost perfect, while I think you can improve a lot on the hard skills.

    Working with you is my pleasure in this semester.

    Wish you all the best for the coming exams.

  3. Hey Duy

    I'm glad i did not turn out as fierce as i looked =)

    Yes, i agree with you, with regards to technicality, i admit that i have a lot to catch up on. =(

    I would also like to thank you and Shiyan for helping me out and explaining to me all the programming problems that i faced.


  4. Hi Andy,

    I think that taking initiative to know people is a good way to increase our communication skill.
    It is a good practice to take the initiative to know people instead of waiting for them to know you. When working in a team, in order to start a communication we will always need someone to have the initiative to talk first, so that this will lead to other people to join in and communicate with each other. So what you did Andy is very good and important to your team. On the other hand, i agree with you that as a team leader, you considerate less on other teammates opinions.I think that you whenever there is an opinions, you write it down on a piece of paper and then discuss this among other teammates.

    In the end, all the best for your exams.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Andy,

    I really appreciate all the effort you put in for our CG1413 project like getting the interview recorded and just basically leading in the discussions.

    I know that sometimes it can be discouraging if your teammates do not seem as interested as they should be. But I would like to say that despite all of these problems, you still did a great job in leading the team. (I apologize if I did not contribute fully at times :P)

    It has been great to know you as a friend and I would like to wish you all the best for the exams :)


  7. Hi Andy,

    I am glad to see that you have learnt a lot from this module.I appreciate what you have done for our problem solving group which is taking the initiative to lead the group and divide the job scope among us.You did a great job in leading us.

    However,the weakness we had in our team was lack of communication.For our wiki project we were over the deadline by one day and in the end we had to rush for it.This is due to lack of communication.I believe all of us want to do well in this module and nobody is perfect so it is good that you are able to accept the weaknesses of others.

    Finally,it has been great working together with you and i would like to wish you all the best in your final exams.

    Joon Wai.

  8. Dear Andy,

    I have also notice that you are a very vocal person. It is good in the sense that you are not shy to speak up. You are able to express yourself easily. Another advantage of being vocal is that it helps you during your oral presentations; you are a natural speaker.

    However, it is important to give others a chance to speak. It is possible that they have an idea that is better than yours! As you have said, being too vocal makes you look overbearing, making your teammates afraid to voice out their opinions. And this disrupts the process of communication. There is no longer any feedback, therefore the chances of miscommunication occurring is much higher.

    Well, good luck for your exams!


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