Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reflection on meeting 1

On February 9th, Tuesday, my group C05D conducted our first CG1102 project group meeting. We only received details regarding our project the day before, but due to the fact that both my team members had to return to their respective countries for the festive season, we had no choice but to conduct the meeting/video recording in advance.

On Monday when we first received our project details, we immediately arranged to meet each other on the same night to discuss about the agenda for our first meeting. After being clear of which direction the meeting was going to be heading, each of us were assigned parts to prepare for the meeting. We realized that we would only have the chance to meet up once before the actual presentation. Hence we knew that we had to be as productive as possible, and hopefully come up with a solid plan by the end of the meeting.

After a grueling 7 hours of lesson on Tuesday which ended at 6pm, my group had a quick dinner together and headed down to COM1 basement to conduct our meeting cum video recording. Even though all of us were tired from the long day, we did not let it affect the atmosphere of the meeting. We still tried to keep the whole meeting light-hearted, while keeping to the agenda of the meeting.

The meeting began with each of us sharing the parts which we were assigned to prepare for. As one person is sharing, the other 2 members are to ask questions if they have any doubts or queries, and also, to give suggestions on how to improve the idea. This is when i realized that trying to send across your own idea to some one else, is not that simple after all. One plus point that i felt the entire group managed to do is how we can break down our complex idea into simple words and instructions, so that the listener can internalize it quickly and easily.

The next section of the meeting began with us discussing more in-depth about each part of the tasks we were assigned. This is the part when we had some problems in agreeing on which method to approach the problem. But nonetheless, the whole atmosphere was still pretty much happy and we were able to resolve any disagreements with logic instead of emotions. When a group is unable to decide on a particular solution to take, it is always important to not to give in into your emotions and flare up. Always take a step back, analyze the situation, accept the advantages of other people's idea, while at the same time presenting the advantages of your own idea clearly and concisely. Finally at the end, weigh the pros and cons of each solution to come up with the best solution.

Before ending off the meeting, we assigned new tasks to each of us based on our specialties and also, decided on the deadlines of when to complete these tasks. Knowing that the festive season is right around the corner, we agreed that our first deadline would be after the Chinese New Year. Such accommodations is especially important when working with group members of different ethnicity. Lastly, we decided on a date to meet after they return to Singapore to tie up any loose ends.


  1. Dear Andy,

    I m glad that your meeting when well eventhough everyone is tired. I think it is a good idea that you plan to have your meeting in advance to let your teammate go back celebrate their chinese new year. My group did the same things too, and we able to update ourselve by emails after the meeting is over. From the blog, i know that your team have been using some of the principle of problem solving by consider the pros and cons of each solution, that is good.
    I also think that setting a deadline for the meeting is good, this will ensure the work can be complete smoothly.

  2. Hi Andy,

    I feel that you have a responsible team as the members bothered to meet up before they went overseas instead of just leaving it to the last minute, or even worse, just leaving it for one person to do. Each individual member need to play a part in order for a team to succeed.

    I also noticed that you wrote that when one person was sharing, the other two were supposed to ask questions. I think that this is a very good practice as it not only helps the team prepare for the oral presentation but it also helps to clarify doubts and expand ideas.

    Congratulations on a successful first meeting. All the best for your subsequent meetings :)


  3. Dear Andy,

    I'm glad that your group made it through even after the long tiring day. My group had a meeting and Cornelius and myself were quite lethargic after a grueling day but we did fine.

    I respect your group as there wasn't any conflicts due to difference in ideas and weariness. Despite the limited time to complete the project, you group still manage to maintain professionalism and work effectively.

    I like to add that should your group encounter a stalemate such as difference in ideas and proposal, it would sometimes be good to take a break and get a coffee to let your mind rest and think about the proposals. This way, the tension between the team mates can be relieved and a more effective solution can be formulated.


  4. Hi Andy,

    I am glad that your first meeting went on smoothly.You all held a meeting after a whole long day and still managed to concentrate fully.I must say that it is a very tough task and it shows that your group is determined to succeed.From what you wrote the meeting seemed to be in order and very systematic.This is a good thing indeed.Your group respects different culture as you all met before chinese new year so that some of the group members can celebrate without worrying about the recording.Great job and good luck for your 1102 presentation.

    Joon Wai.

  5. Hey Andy,

    It's great that your meeting went on smoothly despite all of you conducting the meeting after a full day of school.

    Your team sounds well prepared for the meeting even after the lessons. I'm sure this has helped your group keep the meeting concise and productive. This will also help keep your members motivated despite being tired after class.

    Conflicts would be common when working in teams. The important point is to not let conflicts halt the work process, but resolve it as soon as possible. This form of conflict would be healthy in allowing different ideas to fight for themselves, and the best solution will thus be able prove its worth. You will then have the most effective and efficient way to solve your problem.

